what really works for weight loss

The truth about weight loss: what works!


Losing weight is not about quick improvements - it's about permanent habits! If you are struggling to excuse the extra kilos, it is time to focus on what works for myths instead of falling for myths.


Focus on nutrition, not only calories

Losing weight is not just about eating less, but eating right! Give high-protein food, fiber-rich foods, and healthy fats preferring to limit processed carbs and sugars.


Shakti Training + Cardio = Best Results

Cardio burns calories, but strength training manufactures muscles, which increases metabolism. The mixture of both helps you to burn fat efficiently and maintain a toned body.


Talk about hydration and sleep!

3+ liters of water daily AIDS digestion digestion, crates, and promotes metabolism. In addition, lack of sleep can lead to weight gain, as it disrupts hormones of appetite.


Be patient and consistent

Losing weight is not immediate - this is a trip. A crash diet can give rapid results but often overturn weight. Pay attention to progress, not perfection, and be committed.


Track your progress smartly

Instead of relying only on the scale, track the improvement in body measurement, energy levels, and strength. Small, consistent changes produce long-term success.


Want a science-supported, personal plan for weight loss? The Fitoja app makes it easy with customized food plans, expert fitness tips, and lifestyle coaching so that you can reach your goals correctly! Download now and start your change today!

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